How to conduct LOCF inputation in R; library{zoo}

Let us assume that weight has been measured on 624 patients for 4 distinct time points: M0, M1, M3 and M6

``` {r} 
#start by creating the vectors which includes the variables we want to use for imputation
#then we rename the columns
colnames(WeightImpute)=c("w0", "w1", "w3", "w6")

#creating a replicate array to be used within the for loop

#creating an object which is equal to the number of rows within our array (624)

#creating a counter (1:624) labeling it index

#creating a for loop using the na.locf function from library (zoo) that will carry on the LOCF. ATTENTION: the imputation will be carry out by column, that is the `i' is placed in the row part of the argument 
for(i in index){WeightImputeF[i,]=na.locf(WeightImpute[i,])}


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